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The principles of academic integrity entail simple standards of honesty and truth. Each member of the college has a responsibility to uphold the standards of the community and to take action when others violate them.

Faculty members have an obligation to educate students to the standards of academic integrity, and to report violations of these standards.

Students are responsible for knowing what the standards are and for adhering to them. Students should also bring any violations of which they are aware to the attention of their instructors.

Academic integrity requires that all academic work be wholly the product of an identified individual or individuals. Violations of academic integrity include:

  • copying from or giving assistance to others on an examination
  •  plagiarizing portions of an assignment
  • using forbidden material on an examination
  •  using a purchased term paper
  • presenting the work of another as one’s own
  • altering a graded examination for the purposes of  re-grading

Faculty who believe that violations have occurred should immediately contact the Dean of Academic Affairs. Students who suspect that other students are involved in actions of academic dishonesty should speak to the instructor of the course.

The first violation will result in the student receiving an “F” on the assignment or test in question. The “F” will be averaged in with the other grades in the course to yield the final grade.

The second violation will result in mandatory expulsion from the college for one or more semesters and a failing grade in the course. Students must apply to the Dean of Academic Affairs for readmission.