If I need to find a part-time job, where do I go?
A part-time job may be necessary for some students to support their education. You can meet with career advisors to get help with skills needed for job searching, such as resume writing. They can also help you secure an interview, but it’s up to you to use the advice and resources provided to look your best and give the best answers. Generally, career advisors will meet with students after they’ve completed at least two classes.
If I’ve already graduated, how can I sign up for a refresher class?
NYADI recognizes that automotive and diesel technology is constantly evolving and that technicians may need to increase their knowledge of new developments to remain competitive within the industry. We offer refresher courses that graduates can take at no extra charge. To enroll in a refresher course, contact NYADI to notify the school of your interest. You’ll complete a Refresher Form, and the Registrar’s Office will determine your eligibility. They will coordinate scheduling for an updated version of the class you took.
What is the Inclement Weather Policy and Procedure?
If there is a school closure due to inclement weather or other emergency, your classes will move to a fully remote option (meaning zoom and theory to be done from home that day whether or not you have lab or theory) For example, If it is normally a lab day for you, your lab will be changed to an online session for that day. To verify if the school is opened or closed you should check on the website and/or email for an update. Then you will know how to proceed
If I want to change from a daytime student to an evening student, how do I do that?
The first step is to speak with an admissions rep or student services staff member. They’ll direct you to a change of session form you must complete. You’ll also need to schedule a meeting with the Bursar and Financial Aid Office to ensure your financial assistance will remain intact following the transition and determine a start date for the new session. Students may only return to classes at certain times throughout the semester outside the start date. Changing your session will incur a fee.
How do I request a copy of my transcript?
You can request an official transcript through the Registrar’s Office. The first step is to download and complete the transcript request form and email it to registrar@nyadi.edu. Each transcript request costs $10; students can submit a check or money order or pay by credit card. If paying with a credit card, students must fill out the Credit Card Authorization Form. Transcript requests cannot be processed until the Bursar clears all financial accounts, so be sure to check on any outstanding balances before moving forward with the request. It takes approximately three
What happens if I fail a course?
Failing a course because of poor attendance or low academic performance will result in needing to retake the class. Students will be charged again for each course they must retake. For the sake of achieving your educational and career goals and avoiding wasting the investment you made in the course, make every effort to pass each class. The following are several tips to help ensure you pass: Commit to attending class Read the syllabus to understand the course goals, instructor’s expectations, attendance policy, key dates for quizzes and exams, etc.
If I lost my goggles, how can I get a new pair?
Goggles are necessary for ensuring students’ safety during hands-on training sessions. If you misplace your goggles, you can purchase a new pair for $10 through the Bursar’s Office.
I was a student here previously and graduated, how can I sign up for a refresher class?
You can contact the college, and let them know you would like to take a refresher class. There is no fee to do so. You can complete the “Refresher Form”, then the Registrar will determine eligibility and then will schedule you for the class we are offering that was a part of your major.
If I am struggling in my classes, where can I go for help?
You have several options when you’re struggling with your coursework. One is to reach out to the instructor and inquire about office hours, where they can review concepts with you one-on-one and in more depth than is possible during class. Another is to seek tutoring services. If the problem is not having a quiet space to devote to studying, students are encouraged to take advantage of the NYADI library. The facility features a quiet area for individual studying, tables for group studying, and meeting spaces. Students will also find a complete
If I need to find a part time job, where do I go?
You may meet with our Career Advisors, in the Career Office. Generally, they meet with you after you complete two classes. We help with resume writing, interview skills and have many local connections in the automotive industry that we use to refer students too. Remember, we can get you the interview, but you have to be prepared to look and do your best.