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Jobs That Don’t Require a High School Diploma: Learning a Skilled Trade at NYADI

Without a high school diploma, job options can be limited. However, students can earn their diplomas while gaining essential experience in the workplace. At NYADI The College of Transportation Technology, we offer an Ability to Benefit (ATB) program. This makes it easy for you to earn your diploma without costly tuition expenses. Here, we talk about how our ATB program works and the different jobs you can pursue, even if you don’t currently have a high school diploma.

Training to Earn Your Diploma

One of the biggest myths is that you must obtain your high school diploma before deciding on a career path. However, this is not always the case. At NYADI, students can earn their high school diplomas while learning a skilled trade. We do this through our ATB program, which allows students to apply to certain programs so they can earn their degrees.

NYADI offers both adult education and career training programs, giving students more educational options. We make it easy to earn both your high school diploma and necessary work experience by combining the two. Students can take both programs at no additional cost.

We also have opportunities for financial aid. To qualify, you must maintain good academic standing. Students can also enroll in New York State’s Tuition Assistant Program (TAP) after completing their GED. Our financial aid counselors are here to help you determine your eligibility and application process.

Our Ability to Benefit Program

NYADI is one of few schools that provide an ATB program, assisting students in earning their education conveniently and easily. Here, students enroll in both our adult education program and one of our career training programs. First, students must complete the Test Assessing Secondary Completion (TASC) course. After completing the course, students must pass the High School Equivalency (HSE) exam. The HSE exam is a test that measures a student’s knowledge and skill set. It covers a variety of subjects, including:

  • Social studies
  • Reading and writing
  • Science
  • Math

After students finish their ATB testing, they can move on to one of our career training programs. We offer many programs in the automotive industry:

When students complete their career training, they can earn their associate’s degree to go further in their careers.

Jobs That Don’t Require a High School Diploma

Although many jobs in the automotive industry can be done without a high school diploma, having one can put you ahead of other job candidates. After completing courses at NYADI through our ATB program, students are equipped with both their GED and associate’s degree in automotive services. This means you have more extensive, specialized knowledge of the industry. This can set you apart from other potential candidates applying for the same job.

Those who graduate from our programs move on to hold positions in a variety of automotive settings, including:

  • Car dealerships
  • Service shops
  • Trucking companies
  • Wholesale trade companies
  • Hospitals
  • Local government agencies
  • School districts

Students who complete our program can also enjoy job mobility. Graduates can easily step up in their careers by taking additional courses and earning certifications. After completing our career training programs, students earn their ASE certification, among others. However, some industries may require additional certifications to complete certain jobs. In this case, you may need to take other courses and exams.

Start Taking Courses at NYADI

NYADI is always looking for ways to make education accessible and affordable for those who need it most. That’s why we offer our Ability to Benefit program. This way, students can easily earn their degrees and live out their passions in a job they love. Located in Jamaica, New York, students can expect to leave our facility with the tools and knowledge needed to become successful. To learn more about jobs that don’t require a high school diploma or our ATB program, and to explore our automotive academic programs, please contact us today.